The Flesh
Romans 8:5 CSB
For those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their minds set on the things of the Spirit.
We either live in the flesh independent of Christ or live in the Spirit dependent on the Lord. We don't live between the 2 contrasting spaces in the spiritual realm. The flesh is not part of the Christian nature. This is like the old operating system before we entered salvation.Today in this new space we have in Christ we have been made completely new in terms of our identity(new heart,new spirit,new desires, totally forgiven,holy,accepted,safe and satisfied,one with Christ,free and many more)yet our soul(thinking,emotions,attitudes,behaviour,mind set and many more) still gets information from many sources.The Spirit is our primary source yet, the flesh the so called operating system of our life before salvation is still one of its sources as well. As we bear fruit in the Spirit(that is to upload to our mind what has been downloaded at salvation into our heart). We get to be more like Him.We get to identify that we are not the flesh.It"s the old system flashing an obsolete solution. Today, as we walk in the Spirit(Trust in Christ,walk dependent of Christ,Trust the finished work, trust the new self, trust in the identity provided to us at salvation). When flesh walks in your soul suggesting sin let your spirit witness it.Speak to yourself and say ...I am not the flesh and what you are suggesting is sin and I am so dead to sin. New self walk therefore in the Spirit because you belong to Christ
Romans 8:9 CSB
You, however, are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him.
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